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Hello and welcome to She Flips YYC, I’m so glad you stopped in!

First and foremost, I am not a real estate agent, mortgage broker or professional contractor. I am just a girl, digging in, making mistakes, and learning the intricacies of creating a financial future for myself and my loved ones.

I have created this site as a “tip central” for everything confusing and scary. From investing in real estate, to finding smart economical solutions for your own cozy abode. I have dabbled in it all! Whether you’re Alberta bound, or from another walk of life, hopefully learning about my own do’s and don’ts will help you make smarter financial decisions for yourself.

Along the way I aim to share with you the many strategies you can use to start your journey in investing, and begin your first step in getting your boots dirty!

She was powerful not because she wasn’t scared, but because she went on so strongly, despite the fear. – Atticus  

My name is Liz, I’m a young adult who has graduated with three degrees and a butt-load of debt. I’ve taken hundreds of hours of real estate and stock investment training on top of my two bachelor degrees and masters and have spent half a decade analyzing markets, and getting my hands dirty with various forms of financial investments. I’ve been knocked down, spun around and gotten back up to share with you what I’ve learned.

I believe in being open and honest, because the truth is we are all looking for answers and we all have opinions. My goal is to create dialogue on the goods and bads of investing in diverse financial processes. In no way am I giving financial or legal information. The bottom line is trust your gut and do your due diligence. Everything I have to say here is based on my own research and experience. You might have something different in mind, and that’s the beauty of it. If we knew all the answers I think life just wouldn’t be as fun!