Creative Financing

You know when you find a pair of shoes, or a bag, or maybe it’s a new drill that you HAVE TO HAVE!?! And then you check your credit card balance and she’s maxed out, and you look to see you maybe you got paid this week, but right… that was last week… So your poop out of luck and you can’t get it but like you reallllllyyyy want it….? So you get creative. And you take all the bottles back and you take your second hand clothes in, and you sell some stuff of Kijiji or Craigslist, and voila! New stuff!

Well. That’s the kind of resourceful bada$$ boss babe that you need to harness in order to excel in this industry.

With an education background, there are so many things I find disturbing about the way we teach children about some of the most valuable and important aspects to becoming successful adults: FINANCES!

In this section I hope to expand on all the wonderful ways you can get involved in real estate, in investing and most importantly in gaining ultimate control over your own financial understanding and control.